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Charity number : 1200916 

What We Do

Give voice to the
"experts by 

The skippers and anglers who work with us have a huge collective knowledge about the sharks that visit UK waters. We provide a conduit for this experience to be used to increase the understanding of these species

Collate and process data

Through our partners we produce long-term time series of U.K shark catches which is used to drive research into these species, many of which are data deficient and poorly understood. Crucially our partners keep control of their data, and it will NEVER be used without their express permission.

Inform policy

Through scientific papers, lectures and virtual workshops, we aim to increase knowledge, improve handling and inform national and international policy to protect shark species.

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How Does It Work?

Who We Are

We are a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) that works with angling clubs and skippers to use the expertise and experience present within these groups to provide information, education to aid conservation, inform decision makers and ensure good handling of sharks.


Unlike many scientific institutes, although we hold the data the people who provide the data ALWAYS have the final say if their data can be used on every occasion. If at any time contributors want to withdraw their data, this is done immediately. This allows our contributors to maintain control of their information and to ensure it is not used for purposes other than those they agreed to.


The information has been used to inform policy for international bodies through scientific papers where all contributors are included as co-authors. Where appropriate we also present the results of our analysis to national and international conferences and provide public seminars.


Our partners include more than 20 skippers, private anglers, The Shark Angling Club of Great Britain , The Sportfishing Club of the British Isles and Shark Hub UK

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